National Redistricting Action Fund Files Redistricting Lawsuits Based on New Apportionment Data

For Immediate Release
April 26, 2021

Patrick Rodenbush 

National Redistricting Action Fund Files Redistricting Lawsuits Based on New Apportionment Data 

Eric Holder Will Join Marc Elias for a Press Call on the Lawsuits Tuesday Morning at 11:30 AM ET 

Washington, D.C. — With the release of new apportionment data, the National Redistricting Action Fund (NRAF) is supporting plaintiffs in pursuing “impasse litigation” in three states with divided state governments - Louisiana, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. The purpose of these lawsuits is to prepare for the likely scenario that these politically-divided states are unable to enact new maps that take into account the 2020 Census population changes in time for the 2022 elections.

“States have an obligation to uphold the principle of ‘one person, one vote’ and we intend to make sure that happens during the upcoming redistricting process,” said Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States. “Given population changes over the last decade, these states will have to put in place news maps before the 2022 elections or else they would effectively dilute the voting power of individuals living in districts that have experienced population growth. These lawsuits are just the first of many steps we will be taking in the coming weeks and months to ensure the redistricting process is not subverted by politicians who want to hold onto power at the expense of fair representation.”

The lawsuits filed today seek to ensure that the court is ready to move forward with its own process of drawing new maps, in the likely event these states reach an impasse on redistricting.  See below for state-specific information.

Attorney General Holder will hold a press call on Tuesday at 11:30 AM with voting rights litigator and Democracy Docket founder Marc Elias to provide more information on the lawsuits. You can register here

You can download copies of the filings at


In Louisiana, the NRAF is supporting plaintiffs in a lawsuit that asks the court to draw the state’s congressional districts if the state government is unable to pass new maps. Republicans currently control both chambers of the Louisiana Legislature and Governor John Bel Edwards, who has veto power, is a Democrat.


In Minnesota, the NRAF is supporting plaintiffs in a lawsuit that asks the court to draw the state’s congressional and state legislative maps if the state reaches a legislative impasse on redistricting. At present, Republicans hold a majority in the state Senate, while the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party controls the state House and governorship. 


In Pennsylvania, the NRAF is supporting plaintiffs in a lawsuit that asks the court to draw the state’s new congressional districts if the state fails to do so. Republicans currently control both chambers of the General Assembly and Governor Tom Wolf is a Democrat. 

Plaintiffs are being represented in these lawsuits by NRAF’s counsel at Perkins Coie LLP. 

About NRAF

The National Redistricting Action Fund (NRAF) is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.  The mission of the NRAF is to harness the power of people and the courts to dismantle unfair electoral maps and create a redistricting system based on democratic values. By helping to create more just and representative electoral districts across the country, we also hope to restore the public’s faith in a true representative democracy.


Eric Holder and Marc Elias Discuss NRAF Redistricting Lawsuits